English language course

You are unique – that’s why your language training at European Language Centre is unique too. A personal approach, quality and flexibility have been key elements of our service for 30 years. You can contact us for all languages, language needs and locations (in the Netherlands and abroad). We also organize online language courses. Based on a comprehensive intake we will produce a training package for you that matches your budget, wishes and available time. So you can be confident that you will receive the English language course that is best for you.

English language course for professionals

Taaltraining Engels

From the outset we have developed programmes that are a perfect match for the requirements of our clients: professionals from the business and government sectors. Our clients often have a busy schedule and need flexible and efficient training. You can get off to a quick start with us. And you yourself decide the pace and location at which you want to receive English lessons. We guarantee a personal approach and quality. We can also put together English training programmes and courses that are tailored to almost any target group and any line of work. You can contact us for an:

  • Intensive English training programme (crash course).
  • Tailor-made English Language Training in Amsterdam.
  • In-company English Language Course.
  • Courses and practical workshops, including a business English course, beginners English, advanced English, English for HRM course, business phone calls in English, writing business letters in English.

Tailor-made English Language Training in Amsterdam

European Language Centre does not work with standard training courses and teaching methods.
You receive a language course that is tailored precisely to your requirements.
The duration and results of the Tailor-made Language Training depend on your basic knowledge, which we determine in advance based on an extensive intake.
You can attend English lessons at our language institute in Amsterdam, which has all the facilities required for successful training. You can also opt for a different location: at your office or at various locations across the Netherlands.

In-company English Language Course

With our English In-company Training the trainer comes to you. You determine the location – and together we determine the content of the English course. To guarantee the success of the English language training, a group will consist of a maximum of 5 participants with the same level of knowledge and similar goals.

English courses and practical workshops

We also offer practical workshops to improve writing skills, presentation skills and training skills. We offer versions of all our training courses that are specifically tailored to the target group. For example for HRM managers, IT professionals, financial managers or export managers.

Feel free to call us for more information: (020) 609 79 70 or send us an email.
For a no-obligation quote, contact us by filling in the form at:

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